Webinar: A Year in the Life of a Red Knot

As part of the celebration of World Shorebirds Day, partners across the hemisphere joined to share all about Red Knot migration and the people and places they encounter on their long journey! In the webinar ‘A Year in the Life of a Red Knot.

Through this webinar, attendees flew with the Red Knots from the central Arctic to the southern tip of Chile, with a few stops in-between. With ‘Rufus the Red Knot’ as guide, attendees also learned about the threats facing Red Knots along their long journey, how scientists track Red Knots and other shorebirds, and the habitats and food sources these birds need to survive. If you’d like to read his story again, you can access the book on Nature Canada’s website.

If you missed the event or were unable to stay for the entire show, we are pleased to share recordings in English, French, Spanish, and Portuguese on the WHSRN YouTube channel.


We were so excited by the passion and excitement that several attendees shared about participating in monitoring efforts. Being a part of the International Shorebird Survey (ISS) is an easy way to get started. To learn more, contact coordinators Lisa Schibley, North America ISS Coordinator, or Arne Lesterhuis, Latin America and Caribbean ISS Coordinator.

Other ways you can take action include:

  • Show support for current or new protected areas.
  • Clean up trash and litter.
  • Keep my dog on a leash on the beach.
  • Give shorebirds the space they need on beaches.
  • Visit those extraordinary places and support local organizations.
  • Bring Red Knots into your classroom.
  • Speak up on horseshoe crab conservation concerns.

Thank you to all of the partners who shared their love of the Red Knot and insights about the places and habitats that Red Knots and other shorebirds need.

To learn more about each of the participating organizations and communities, please visit their websites: