The success of WHSRN as a tool for shorebird conservation lies in the hands of our partners working at each site.

Site partners must communicate the urgency of shorebird conservation to their communities and implement effective place-based conservation action. WHSRN helps connect sites to each other, share the latest science and resources, and highlight the importance of a site on an international level. As the number of sites in the Network grows, so too grows its strength as a force for shorebird conservation, and its ability to support site partners in this critical work.

Why become a WHSRN Site?

  • Highlight the site’s importance for shorebirds
  • Encourage decision-makers to consider shorebirds in planning
  • Access to site support from the WHSRN Executive Office
  • Opportunity to learn from other sites
  • Justify the need for conservation funding
  • Foster positive changes in public behavior
  • Access to the latest science on shorebird conservation