Webinar: Shorebirds, Cattle, and Community

Some shorebirds rest, feed, and even nest on active cattle lands, such as the coastal lagoons in Uruguay. The coastal lagoon system of eastern Uruguay comprises approximately 2,471, 054 acres and is a landscape full of biodiversity. The short film Back to the South highlights its richness and the importance of this ecosystem for shorebirds such as the Buff-breasted Sandpiper (Calidris subruficollis) and the American Golden Plover (Pluvialis dominica).

On November 29, Exequiel Caldas, co-producer of the film Back to the South; Jorge Oribe, cattle rancher in the area; and Joaquín Aldabe and Nicolas Marchand of Manomet discussed their experiences making the film, along with the importance of protecting these ecosystems that benefit shorebirds and land management opportunities that benefit both shorebirds and the local economy.

During the event, clips from the documentary guided the dialogue and facilitated the participation of partners working in similiar ecosystems and with the same species in other parts of the continent.

Watch the event recording here.

Shorebirds, Cattle, and Community

Cover Photo: Flock of Buff-breasted Sandpipers. Photo: Daniel Alarcón.