The Epic Voyage of the Hudsonian Godwit, from Chiloé to Alaska.

In celebration of World Wetlands Day and the 10th anniversary of the Eastern Wetlands of Chiloé as a WHSRN site of Hemispheric Importance, we present The Epic Voyage of the Hudsonian Godwit, from Chiloé to Alaska. The story highlights how science, conservation, and local economic development are being integrated to protect non-breeding habitats for the Hudsonian Godwit (Limosa haemastica) in Chiloé Island, Chile.

This story map tells the story of four Hudsonian godwits that traveled from Chiloé to Alaska, stopping at different sites throughout the Network.


Click here or over the image to view the story map

Learn about the places they visited, the impressive distances they flew without rest, and some of the conservation efforts that ensure that each year these long-distance travelers have a place to go.

As WHSRN partners and supporters, you help deliver and empower effective conservation action at the sites that matter most to migratory shorebirds. This is but just one of your stories. We hope you will join us in sharing this story to help more people learn and find inspiration for shorebird conservation.

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También disponible en español

Cover Photo: Hudsonian Godwit at breeding grounds.  Photo: Andy Johnson.