The Western Hemisphere Shorebird Group (WHSG) meeting in Sackville, Canada, held in August 2024, brought together shorebird conservationists from across the Americas, creating a unique space for collaboration, knowledge exchange, and strengthening partnerships. This year, the Bay of Fundy WHSRN site in New Brunswick served as the host, welcoming researchers, conservation practitioners, and site managers from existing and potential WHSRN sites.
The Bay of Fundy, a WHSRN Landscape of Hemispheric Importance, provided the perfect setting for discussions on shorebird conservation. With its vast intertidal mudflats and critical stopover habitat for hundreds of thousands of migratory shorebirds, the site highlighted the importance of WHSRN’s mission.
Participants had the opportunity to witness firsthand the incredible spectacle of Semipalmated Sandpipers (Calidris pusilla) gathering in massive during the Sunset Shorebird Social held to celebrate the 35th anniversary of the site.

Left: Members of WHSNR’s Executive Office at WHSG. Right: George Finney giving a speech in commemoration of Bay of Fundy’s 35th anniversary. Photos: Courtesy.
The WHSRN Executive Office participated actively during the WHSG meeting, contributing 15 talks, organizing two workshops, and leading a working group session. These activities fostered dialogue on critical topics, from monitoring shorebird populations to integrating shorebird education into conservation work. The team also facilitated the Shorebird and Shrimp Farming Group meeting, providing a space to discuss sustainable solutions for shorebird conservation in coastal areas affected by aquaculture.
WHSRN’s Executive Office staff had the opportunity to interview partners from several WHSRN sites across the hemisphere. These conversations captured valuable insights on the benefits of WHSRN site designations and their role in local conservation efforts. These testimonials will contribute to WHSRN’s communication strategies, amplifying local voices within the broader conservation community.
As part of its commitment to community-based conservation, WHSRN showcased the Friendship Quilt, a creative initiative that connects people through shorebirds. This visual display highlighted how storytelling and art can strengthen conservation efforts by fostering a deeper emotional connection to migratory birds.

Additionally, the workshop “Discover Shorebirds! Incorporating Shorebird Education into Your Work” provided participants with hands-on experience utilizing the Discover Shorebirds Curriculum in their work. Conservationists are left with practical activities and resources to enhance their outreach efforts in their local areas and communities.
Building the Future of Shorebird Conservation
The WHSG meeting underscored the essential role of collaboration in shorebird conservation. By gathering shorebird experts from across the hemisphere in one place, the event fostered meaningful connections through workshops, field experiences, and knowledge-sharing sessions. The presence of numerous representatives from WHSRN sites and potential sites demonstrated the strength of the network in achieving conservation goals at both local and international levels. Additionally, hosting the meeting at the Bay of Fundy WHSRN site reinforced the critical link between scientific research, conservation action, and site-based stewardship. This location provided a stunning backdrop and served as a living example of the importance of international cooperation in protecting migratory shorebirds and their habitats.
The insights and connections gained during the WHSG meeting will help guide future initiatives, ensuring continued support for site partners and expanding conservation efforts across the Americas.
Cover Photo: Sunset at Johnsons Mills by Salvadora Morales.