Juliana Bosi de Almeida, Ph.D.Managing Director of Flyways

Juliana joined Manomet and the Western Hemisphere Shorebird Reserve Network (WHSRN) Executive Office as Managing Director of Flyways in November 2022. In her role, she works to streamline shorebird conservation efforts throughout birds’ annual lifecycles across the Americas within the framework used by Western Hemisphere flyway conservation initiatives.

Juliana has worked with shorebirds in the Western Hemisphere since the early 2000s. Born in Brasília, Brazil, she grew up surrounded by the Cerrado biome, far away from shores and shorebirds. It was through her interest in behavioral ecology, specifically her master’s research on the Blue-black Grassquit’s mating system, that she discovered shorebirds and their fascinating behaviors. Over the last 20 years, through research and continued international collaborations, Juliana has contributed essential knowledge to shorebird conservation plans used throughout the Americas.

Before joining Manomet, Juliana developed and led the shorebird conservation program at SAVE Brasil, BirdLife International’s Brazilian partner. During the nearly eight years as the program’s shorebird lead, she built a team of people who implemented conservation action in three regions in Brazil (north, northeast, and south coasts). She also established partnerships for shorebird conservation within Brazil and internationally, working closely with universities and government agencies.

As a member of several national and international committees, including the Brazilian National Shorebird Conservation Plan, the Atlantic Flyway Shorebird Initiative (AFSI), Midcontinent Shorebird Conservation Initiative (MSCI), and WHSRN Hemispheric Council, she helped align Brazilian national policy with hemisphere-wide strategies for improved shorebird conservation throughout the Americas.

Juliana has a Ph.D. in ecology, evolution, and conservation biology from the University of Nevada, Reno, a master’s in ecology, and a bachelor’s in biology from the Universidade de Brasília, Brazil. Beyond shorebirds and conservation, she enjoys nature, water (beaches, waterfalls, or even swimming pools), music, and dance.