Teaching Conservation with Art at Lagoa do Peixe Bird Festival

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Starting in 2019, SAVE Brasil has been working with schools in Mostardas and Tavares, southern Brazil, to train teachers to conduct lessons on shorebird and Lagoa do Peixe ecosystem in the classroom. Both towns border Lagoa do Peixe National Park, a WHSRN Site of International Importance that has a diversity of coastal habitats that provides a rich food source for migrating, wintering, and breeding shorebirds. 


SAVE Brasil is working with teachers as one component of an effort to build a local constituency for the Lagoa do Peixe ecosystem because of its importance for shorebirds, other wildlife, and the local communities. The project has two phases: supporting student-led community presentations on the importance of the park, and an assessment of the natural benefits or ecosystem services communities receive from Lagoa do Peixe.


Teacher training workshops have focused on providing teachers skills and resources to use art to teach about shorebirds, migration and ecosystem services provided by Lagoa do Peixe. At the end of November 2022, at Lagoa do Peixe’s 15th Migratory Bird Festival, SAVE Brasil hosted a booth with material prepared by the students, inspired by a teachers’ training in 2019 and 2022. To explore photos and feedback from the event, explore this slideshow. 

The original funding for the 2019 teacher training and ecosystem service assessment was provided by National Fish and Wildlife Foundation. Additional support has been provided by the Bobolink Foundation and BAND Foundation. For more information please contact Raquel Carvalho.  


Photos: Marina Fagundes