The first meeting of the National Working Group of Shorebirds in Ecuador was held on November 11th at the offices of the Zonal Directorate 5 of the Ministry of Environment, Water and Ecological Transition, Guayaquil.
The working group will work to increase the impact of the Action Plan approved by Resolution No. MAATE-SPN-2021-002 by providing strategic guidance for the implementation of the Action Plan; monitoring the fulfillment of its objectives, activities, and results; and coordinating the management between public and private institutions, and local, national, and international actors.
Eng. Isabel Tamariz’s, Director of Zonal Directorate 5 of the Ministry of Environment, Water and Ecological Transition (MAATE, by its acronym in Spanish), opening speech highlighted the importance of advancing actions that allow the conservation of shorebirds and the effective management of their habitats throughout the country. Danny Guarderas, Focal Point of the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS) and Specialist of the National Directorate of Biodiversity of MAATE, emphasized the commitments of the Ministry in the conservation of critical habitats and migratory shorebird species and the official use of the Action Plan for the Conservation of Migratory Shorebirds in Ecuador (PACAPME, for its acronym in Spanish).

Left: Ana Agreda, Aves y Conservación, leads a session during the meeting. Photo: Daniel Alarcon. Right: Participants in the meeting. Photos: Courtesy of Aves y Conservación
Ana Agreda, Aves y Conservación Conservation Program Coordinator of Priority Sites for Migratory Waterbirds in Ecuador continued by presenting the Action Plan in detail including focal species, conservation objects, threats, priority sites and strategic lines.
Diego Luna Quevedo, Policy and Governance Specialist of WHSRN Executive Office presented on “Good governance to conserve shorebirds in the Americas”. He highlighted the main challenges to conserve shorebirds in the hemisphere, the three main levels of management and coordination required (flyways, national level, and critical sites), and the principles that rule the governance vision of the Network, which has three designated sites in Ecuador.
Finally, participants approved the “Operational Document” of the National Working Group and reviewed and discussed the PACAPME Strategy.

Ing. Isabel Tamariz’s, Director of Zonal Directorate 5 of the Ministry of Environment, Water and Ecological Transition, opens the meeting of the National Working Group of Shorebirds in Ecuador. Photo: Courtesy of Aves y Conservación
In addition, on January 10, 2023, our Policy and Governance Specialist, Diego Luna – Quévedo, facilitated a session with the working group to create a Work Plan for the Inter-Institutional Coordination component which will generate better management conditions for PACAPME implementation.
The next steps include strengthening capabilities of good governance within the members of the National Working Group, updating the Environmental Management Plan of the Isla Corazón y Fragata Wildlife Refuge (WHSRN site), and creating a roadmap for coordinating 22 Protected Areas that are priority sites for shorebirds in Ecuador.
For more information contact Ana Agreda, Secretary General of the National Working Group.