Garry Donaldson designated as new Councilor Emeritus

WHSRN’s work to conserve shorebird species and their habitats across the Americas is guided by an advisory body, the Hemispheric Council, which is made up of representatives of WHSRN’s key partners. Former Council members who have made a particularly distinguished contribution to the development and implementation of WHSRN may be designated as Councilors emeriti. This is an honorary position for life, with Councilors emeriti strongly encouraged to contribute to Council discussions and business (though such members are not eligible to vote).

Until recently, just three Councilors emeriti had been designated by Hemispheric Council: Enrique Bucher (Argentina), George Finney (Canada) and Steve Wendt (Canada). Now the Hemispheric Council is delighted to be able to designate a fourth, Garry Donaldson of the Canadian Wildlife Service (CWS).

Garry first joined the WHSRN Hemispheric Council in 2007 as a representative of the Canadian Wildlife Service (CWS) and Canadian Shorebird Conservation Plan (of which he was the lead author). He attended WHSRN council meetings prior to that in a supportive role as Canadian Shorebird Coordinator. In addition to providing technical and policy advice to the WHSRN Executive Office on a wide range of shorebird species and site conservation issues, as a Council member Garry consistently championed efforts that contributed to the implementation of the WHSRN strategy.


Gary Donaldson presents a 30th Anniversary Certificate to Nature Conservancy Canada on World Shorebirds Day. Photo: Becky Whittam.

In 2014, Garry moved from the CWS National Office to the Atlantic Region in Sackville, New Brunswick. His role on the WHSRN Council was taken by Silke Neve and then Cynthia Pekarik, but Garry has continued to actively promote efforts in support of WHSRN. This has included leadership of a project funded by the Commission for Environmental Cooperation to promote community-based conservation at important habitats for Red Knot (Calidris canutus) and Semipalmated Sandpiper (Calidris pusilla). Most recently, on World Shorebirds Day, Garry presented The Nature Conservancy of Canada with a certificate celebrating the 30th anniversary of the designation of the New Brunswick part of the upper Bay of Fundy as a WHSRN Site of Hemispheric Importance (the second site to join the network!).

Please join the WHSRN Hemispheric Council and Executive Office in welcoming Garry to his new role with WHSRN.