Future Leaders of Ansenuza: Educating a New Generation of Environmentally-Aware Leaders

Recently, the fourth annual gathering of “Future Leaders of Ansenuza” was held in Miramar de Ansenuza, Córdoba, Argentina (during 9-14 Mar), organized by the Fundación Líderes de Ansenuza (Leaders of Ansenuza Foundation) and with the support of the U.S. Embassy in Argentina. The event brought together 36 young leaders from secondary schools from 5 Argentine provinces (Córdoba, La Rioja, Santiago del Estero, Santa Fe and Formosa) with more than 60 speakers from all over the country, for 6 days of intensive training on various topics.

Sustainability and climate change were a major focus: many speakers addressed concepts such as the triple bottom line and the circular economy; innovative solutions to environmental problems; the current state of the climate emergency; and shared their perspectives, suggestions and ideas to offer concrete solutions, to be implemented hand-in-hand with the youth leaders from many different communities in the country.


Left: Flamingos and phalaropes decorated the main stage of the 2020 edition of the Futuras Líderes de Ansenuza event. Right: During this annual event, the young leaders selected to participated have the opportunity to interact with US Embassy Alumni of different programs. Photos: Fundación Líderes de Ansenuza.

Although the event brings together youth leaders from throughout Argentina, the Foundation has its roots in Mar Chiquita, and the event highlights links to the surrounding ecosystems. From meeting rooms decorated to encourage appreciation of the rich diversity of birds in the area (and especially flamingos and migratory shorebirds such as Wilson’s Phalarope Phalaropus tricolor), to specific training sessions, and excursions to see the birds and other wildlife.


Left & Right: Every year the young delegates go on excursions in Mar Chiquita, with an experienced guide who tells them details about the flora, fauna and the importance of the site for shorebirds and other wildlife. Photos: Fundación Líderes de Ansenuza.

“We want to make our contribution as an organization to the protection of this invaluable site where the foundation was born. We select speakers who are environmentally aware, and introduce the youth leaders to the area’s rich biodiversity through simple actions such as models of local species in the event decoration, thematic salons, and walks in the reserve, among other activities, to arouse their curiosity about the birds and why they have a ‘leading role’ in the event. During the past four years, we’ve seen how this opens the door to a greater interest in the wildlife of Mar Chiquita, and helps create a new generation of environmentally aware leaders,” comments Marina Castellino, President of the Leaders of Ansenuza Foundation.

Mar Chiquita (literally the “little sea”) is one of the most important sites in the Americas for migratory shorebirds and other waterbirds. Its ecological value and importance to shorebirds was recognized early in WHSRN’s history, when in May 1989 it was declared as a Site of Hemispheric Importance, becoming the first WHSRN site in Argentina and one of the first sites in South America.


The young delegates enjoy the sun and learn about the ecological importance of the site during boat excursions led by an experienced guide. Photo: Fundación Líderes de Ansenuza.

Despite Mar Chiquita’s unique ecological importance, in recent years it has increasingly been threatened by upstream water diversion, agricultural expansion in the immediate surroundings, and pollution. An ambitious plan to create Ansenuza National Park, potentially up to 700,000 hectares, seeks to address many of the threats to the area. The Future Leaders of Ansenuza event highlights the myriad ways that communities local and from afar are connected to the future of the lake and the biodiversity it supports, and helps build a new generation of leaders –from many different sectors – who will help create novel opportunities to protect it.

Cover Photo: The delegates’ connection to the natural beauty and biodiversity of Laguna Mar Chiquita is strengthened over the course of the six-day event, which includes outdoor excursions to enjoy and learn about the scenic surroundings. Photo: Fundación Líderes de Ansenuza.