Since the end of August, crude oil deposits have been observed across almost 2,500 miles of the Brazilian coast – a distance longer than the entire Atlantic coast of the United States.
For this anniversary, Anton de Kom University is offering a two-week shorebird conservation course - any interested WHSRN partners, students, or shorebird conservationists are welcome to listen [...]
Just in time to help celebrate Laguna Mar Chiquita’s 30th anniversary as a WHSRN site, a new book was recently published in English to help share lessons from this critical site for shorebirds.
The WHSRN Executive Office is very happy to report that the Bay of Fundy WHSRN site has officially expanded to include all four major bays within the Upper Bay of Fundy.
Another spring migration season on Delaware Bay has passed. Take a look back with us to celebrate this most wonderful time of year at WHSRN’s first site.
In spring 2018, a bay-wide survey revealed that more than 500,000 shorebirds used Humboldt Bay during spring migration alone – a number five times greater than was previously estimated almost a [...]