WHSRN Consultant Ornithologist Chris Sharpe and Sandra Giner of the Central University of Venezuela led a workshop titled Shorebird Conservation in Venezuela: introduction to census methods and [...]
WHSRN Conservation Specialist Diego Luna Quevedo led a new workshop: “Alliances and Actions for Shorebird Conservation and Habitat Management in Los Olivitos.” The workshop took place at WHSRN’s [...]
The WHSRN Hemispheric Council voted unanimously to expand the existing 64,000 acre (25,900 hectare) site to encompass the Cape Romain – Santee Delta Region, a WHSRN Site of International [...]
Curlews are iconic birds of wild, wet, evocative places – but of their 8 species, two are already assumed extinct and three are considered globally at risk of the same fate. Dr. Rob Clay, [...]
Local fieldworkers knew that estancia Medaland was an important site for migratory grassland shorebirds. At the end of 2017, a comprehensive survey revealed that the ranch meets the threshold to [...]
reTURN the Favor has set an inspiring example on Delaware Bay. Not only has the program rescued more than 275,000 stranded horseshoe crabs in the past five years, but it has successfully built a [...]
Almost all Western Sandpipers in the world stop at the Fraser River Estuary at some point in their life. The mudflats of Roberts Bank are at the center of this crucial stopover site, and they are [...]
At the Western Hemisphere Shorebird Group meeting in November 2017 in Paracas, Peru, staff of the WHSRN Executive Office helped lead two symposia about the role of community engagement, good [...]