By Marina Castellino In Conservation Action, Executive Office News, Linking Sites, Site News, UncategorizedPosted 5 November 2024The First Internacional Exchange of Experiencia Ambientalia has come to an end! READ MORE
By WHSRN Executive Office In Executive Office News, Site News, Uncategorized, WHSRN, Working LandscapesPosted 30 October 2024Visit to the Grasslands of the WHSRN Site Laguna Mar Chiquita in Argentina READ MORE
By Juliana Bosi de Almeida In Conservation Action, Site News, Uncategorized, WHSRNPosted 30 September 2024Projeto Costa Norte do Brasil: Conectando a Rede a um Sítio WHSRN e suas Comunidades READ MORE
By Juliana Bosi de Almeida In Events, Festivals, and Celebrations, Site News, Uncategorized, WHSRNPosted 27 September 2024Brazil’s North Coast: Connecting the Network to the Site’s Communities READ MORE
By Andrea Ferreira In Conservation Action, Events, Festivals, and Celebrations, Uncategorized, WHSRNPosted 12 September 2024Celebrating Shorebirds: Highlights from the First Big Day at WHSRN Sites READ MORE
By Diego Luna Quevedo In Uncategorized, WorkshopsPosted 5 September 2024Shorebird Conservation in Nine Protected Areas of Ecuador READ MORE
By Guest Author In Events, Festivals, and Celebrations, Uncategorized, WHSRNPosted 25 June 2024“Winged Festival” The Huentelauquén Salt Flats (Chile) READ MORE
By Diego Luna Quevedo In Uncategorized, WorkshopsPosted 25 June 2024First Exchange between Ecuador, Chile, and Peru on National Shorebird Conservation Plans READ MORE
By Marcela Castellino In Executive Office News, Linking Sites, UncategorizedPosted 24 June 2024Honoring Don Paul: The Inaugural 2024 Linking Sites Award READ MORE
By Marcela Castellino In Events, Festivals, and Celebrations, Uncategorized, WHSRNPosted 24 June 2024Great Salt Lake Issues Forum: Creating Spaces for Reflection, Learning, and Commitment to the Conservation of the Great Salt Lake (Utah, USA) and Saline Lakes of the Western Hemisphere READ MORE