The Salton Sea is a critical rest stop for more than 400 species of nesting, wintering, and migrating birds making their way through the desert of southern California. But today, the sea is [...]
The WHSRN Executive Office is thrilled to announce that Owens Lake has been designated as a WHSRN site of International Importance — the 104th site in the Network, and the 49th site in the United [...]
This is the story of three individual Whimbrels: join us as we explore the places they go, the astounding distances they fly, and the people working across the hemisphere to understand and [...]
WHSRN Consultant Ornithologist Chris Sharpe and Sandra Giner of the Central University of Venezuela led a workshop titled Shorebird Conservation in Venezuela: introduction to census methods and [...]
The WHSRN Hemispheric Council voted unanimously to expand the existing 64,000 acre (25,900 hectare) site to encompass the Cape Romain – Santee Delta Region, a WHSRN Site of International [...]
At the Western Hemisphere Shorebird Group meeting in November 2017 in Paracas, Peru, staff of the WHSRN Executive Office helped lead two symposia about the role of community engagement, good [...]
At the end of January, birds were spotted in the Strait of Magellan with signs of oil on their feathers. WHSRN partner Centro Bahía Lomas worked with expert ornithologist Ricardo Matus to inspect [...]