Building a Collaborative Network to Conserve the Snowy Plover in México
The Snowy Plover (Charadrius nivosus) is one of the most threatened shorebirds in the Americas. A collaborative approach is helping the species and other shorebirds conservation in Mexico.
Conserving Costa Atlántica de Tierra del Fuego, Argentina
In 1992 the Atlantic Coast of Tierra del Fuego Reserve (was designated as a Site of Hemispheric Importance in WHSRN. Since its designation the reserve has changed a lot. Partners at the site [...]
The First Motus Network in Mexico: Collaborative Tracking of Shorebirds
Every year, more than one million shorebirds travel along the Pacific Flyway through northwest Mexico. During their journey they use dozens of estuaries, beaches and coastal wetlands to feed and [...]