Site Modification
Criteria for Modifying Sites
Proposing a modification to an existing WHSRN site – such as boundary, category, landowner/management authority, or site name – is fairly simple and does not require the completion of a full Nomination Form. Complete the Site Modification Form and prepare the supporting materials required for your proposed modification. The modification request will be reviewed by external reviewers and must be approved by the Hemispheric Council.

For Boundary modifications:
- Map (image) clearly showing the current and new boundaries
- GIS or Google Earth files with new boundaries
- Letters of commitment from any new landowners/managers
- Letters of support from relevant stakeholders (if applicable)
For Category modifications:
- Updated species-specific data using the provided table
- Letters of commitment from landowners/managers
- Letters of support from relevant stakeholders (if applicable)
For Scale modifications:
- Letters of commitment from landowners/managers
- Letters of support from relevant stakeholders (if applicable)
For Landowner or management authority modifications:
- Letters of commitment from landowners/managers
For Site Name modifications:
- Letters of support from landowners/managers, and any relevant stakeholders (if applicable).
Cover Photo: Double-striped Thick-knee (Burhinus bistriatus). Photo: Maina Handmaker.