Springfield Bottoms and American Falls Reservoir


Idaho, United States



Basis for Designation

More than 20,000 shorebirds annually.


35,167 hectares (86,899 acres)

Date Designated

January 1996

Site Owner

City of American Falls
Idaho Dept of Fish and Game
U.S. Bureau of Reclamation

Site Partners

Fort Hall Indian Reservation
Shoshone-Bannock Tribes



The Springfield Bottoms and American Falls Reservoir WHSRN site surrounds the American Falls Reservoir in South-east Idaho. This site of regional importance consists of emergent mudflats with invading willows and annual cockleburn crops.  50,000-80,000 shorebirds use the site, thirty species in total. The area is also a major feeding area for white-ibis in summer and early fall and a major wintering area for ducks and geese in late fall to spring.  Many bald eagles hunt here as well. The reservoir holds 1.7 million acre-feet of water, which is emptied almost on an annual basis.