Humedal Marino de Coihuín
Los Lagos region, Chile
Basis for Designation
Presence of more than 10% of the biogeographical population of the Hudsonian Godwit (Limosa haemastica).
1.765 ha (4,361 acres)
Date Designated
September 2021
Site Owner
Ministry of National Defense – Chilean Navy
Association of Communities of the Rilon Kawin
Site Partners
Fundación Conservación Marina (Marine Conservation Foundation)
Regional Ministerial Secretariat Los Lagos Region
Agrupación Gayi (Gayi Group)
Willilafquenche community
Puerto Montt Municipality
Alerce Andino NGO
Red de Observadores de Aves y Vida Silvestre de Chile – ROC
Fundación Sembrando la Chispa

Humedal Marino de Coihuín is located at the mouth of the Chamiza River within the Puerto Montt community (Los Lagos Region, Chile). The area represents approximately 1800 hectares of highly dynamic wetlands; a direct result of its locality between the Chamiza river estuary and the inland sea of the Reloncaví watershed. At times of low tide the wetland exhibits an extensive intertidal mudflat of about 1 km out to sea, which is used by numerous resident aquatic birds and migratory shorebirds to feed on.
Humedal Marino de Coihuín represents one of the widest intertidal coastal wetlands in southern Chile and is part of a system of continent-island sites used by Hudsonian Godwit Limosa haemastica during wintering, including the WHSRN sites Humedales Orientales de Chiloé (Hemispheric Importance) and Humedales de Maullín (Regional Importance). The site is a WHSRN site of International Importance for the regular presence of more than 10% of the biogeographical population of the Hudsonian Godwit (Limosa haemastica). Humedal Marino de Coihuín supports a population estimated at 2,752 individuals, representing 13% of the biogeographic population that breeds in Alaska (total estimated at 21,000 individuals currently). Besides, the site is also of significant importance to the Whimbrel Numenius phaeopus (Ssp. rufiventris) with counts regularly surpassing the 1% threshold level, including a count of including a count of 2,738 individuals (representing nearly 7% of the biogeographic population).
Humedal Marino de Coihuín supports a population estimated at 2,752 individuals of Hudsonian Godwit, representing 13% of the biogeographic population that breeds in Alaska.

Photo by Daniela Díaz
Land Management
The area is currently administered by the Chilean Navy, however it is proposed as a “Protected Coastal Marine Area of Indigenous People (ECMPO)” by the Association of Communities of the Rilon Kawin (original Mapuche people) and when designated, they will become the administrators of the site. The proposed ECMPO covers a larger area, but included completely the WHSNR site. The Association of Communities of the Rilon Kawin supported the nomination and are committed to the conservation of the are
Threats and Actions
Main threats to the area include habitat alteration and disturbance due to unregulated tourism which result in disturbing vehicle traffic and contamination by solid waste. In addition, lack of responsible ownership of pets and stray dogs results also in a high level of disturbance to roosting shorebirds during high water. In several areas that are used by shorebirds to feed and roost, grazing of cattle and sheep is affecting the habitat due to an absence of proper management. Water pollution from industrial and household waste, likely alter the supply of shorebird food. One of the challenges for the short term will be the participatory development of a management plan for the area.
Humedal Marino de Coihuín was originally designated as “Humedal Marino de Chamiza” in 2021. In June 2023, the WHSRN Executive Office received a formal request from the community of Coihuín on behalf of all communities in the area, to change the name of the site to Humedal Marino de Coihuín. As no other changes were proposed and the name change was supported by all the partners involved with the original nomination, this change was accepted in July 2023.