On 27 February, 2020, the Hemispheric Council of the Western Hemisphere Shorebird Reserve Network (WHSRN) voted unanimously to approve the designation of the Sabanas de Paz de Ariporo y Trinidad in Colombia as a Site of Regional Importance. It is the second WHSRN site in Colombia, and 107th to join the Network.
The Sabanas de Paz de Ariporo y Trinidad comprise approximately 62,000 hectares of the vast savannas of natural grasslands in eastern Colombia, known as the Orinoquía floodplain. The site is declared a WHSRN Site of Regional Importance for supporting more than 1% of the biogeographic population of the Buff-breasted Sandpiper (Calidris subruficollis). Our local partner Asociación Calidris has been monitoring the area since 2012, collecting the necessary data to show that flocks of up to 700 individuals use the area during northbound migration between February and April. Several other species of Nearctic migrants, including Upland Sandpiper (Bartramia longicauda), Least Sandpiper (C. minutilla), Stilt Sandpiper (C. himantopus) and Solitary Sandpiper (Tringa solitaria) use the area for roosting and feeding. Resident species like the Collared Plover (Charadrius collaris), Pied Lapwing (Vanellus cayanus) and Double-striped Thick-knee (Burhinus bistriatus) are known to breed at the site.

Aerial views of the 107th WHSRN Site: Sabanas de Paz de Ariporo y Trinidad in Casanare, Colombia. Photos: Fernando Castillo.
The new WHSRN site comprises lands managed by the Municipality of Paz de Ariporo, and a total of 11 private properties, whose owners are dedicated to implementing traditional livestock grazing practices that promote the wise use and management of natural habitats that are key to the conservation of the Buff-breasted Sandpiper. The 11 private properties are Hato el Boral, Finca El Campín, Finca San Andrés, Finca Regadera, Finca Palmeras, Finca Lagunazo, Finca Buenaventura, Finca San Cristobal – which together comprise the Important Bird and Biodiversity Area (IBA) Reservas de la Vereda Altagracia (CO205) – and Finca Chaviripa and Finca El Rubí, which make up the Chaviripa-El Rubí IBA (CO204). The 11th ranch, Finca Puerto Rico, lies outside the two IBAs. The area between the two IBAs and Finca Puerto Rico is also part of the new WHSRN Site, and is managed by the Municipality of Paz de Ariporo. Each of these ranches have management plans that prioritize the conservation of the native vegetation that characterizes this unique grassland ecosystem. Asociación Calidris has established strong relationships with local ranchers and managers. Through this work, the landowners have learned to recognize and appreciate the Buff-breasted Sandpiper and other shorebirds that depend on the area, regularly sharing observations and photos with the biologists of Asociación Calidris.

Asociación Calidris has established strong relationships with local ranchers and managers. The owners of the ranches within the WHSRN site are dedicated to implementing traditional livestock grazing practices that promote the wise use and management of natural habitats that are key to the conservation of the Buff-breasted Sandpiper. Photos: Yanira Cifuentes Sarmiento.
The addition of the Sabanas de Paz de Ariporo y Trinidad is an important step towards conservation of habitat for the Buff-breasted Sandpiper across the species’ life-cycle. It is the first WHSRN site in South America that is of importance to the species during its northbound migration. For a long time, scientists thought the species does not make a stop in South America during northbound migration, but the work carried out by Asociación Calidris proved otherwise. The grassland savannas in both Colombia and adjacent Venezuela are likely of key importance for the species. Building off of the work done by Asociación Calidris, further research could soon provide the monitoring data to support the future nomination of other WHSRN sites in the area.

A Buff-breasted Sandpiper at Sabanas de Paz de Ariporo y Trinidad. Photo: Living Wild in South America.
The Sabanas de Paz de Ariporo y Trinidad will join eight other WHSRN sites that are of importance to the Buff-breasted Sandpiper, including four sites used by the species during the boreal winter: Estancia Medaland (Argentina), Bahía Samborombón (Argentina), Laguna de Rocha (Uruguay), and Lagoa de Peixe (Brazil), and four southbound stopover sites: Bahía de Asunción (Paraguay), Barba Azul Nature Reserve (Bolivia), Rainwater Basin (USA) and Flint Hills (USA).
Congratulations to Asociación Calidris for their work on this successful WHSRN nomination, and to the local landowners for their important work to conserve crucial habitat for the Buff-breasted Sandpiper and other species of conservation concern.
Please join us in welcoming Sabanas de Paz de Ariporo y Trinidad and its partners to the Network!
Cover Photo: Aerial view of Sabanas de Paz de Ariporo y Trinidad. Photo: Fernando Castillo.