Expansion of Bahía Blanca Estuary in Argentina
The Executive Office of the WHSRN is pleased to announce that an additional 981 hectares have been added to Bahía Blanca Estuary WHSRN site
Uncovering the Mysteries of Red Knot Movements on the Gulf Coast
Through geolocator data and mark-resight efforts across the hemisphere, David Newstead and his collaborators have discovered new information about how knots use the Gulf Coast of Texas and Louisiana.
Birders flock to Aves Argentinas to discuss the award-winning book The Narrow Edge
Patricia González, Marcelo Canevari, and Alec Earnshaw share their reflections on the event and how conversations inspired by Deborah Cramer’s book can motivate continued collaboration and [...]
Local Women Welcome Migratory Shorebirds to the Golfo de Santa Clara
The "Pejerrey Queens" are a group of local beach stewards that teach visitors about the site’s shorebirds and their relationship with spawning pejerrey.
New Signs at the WHSRN Site Bahía Blanca Estuary in Argentina
As part of World Environment Day last month, signage was installed at the Bahía Blanca Estuary in Argentina.
A Story that Matters to All of Us: The Power of Translation to Help Biodiversity Conservation
An exclusive interview with Ana Lis Salotti, translator of the new Spanish edition of The Narrow Edge by Deborah Cramer
Laura Chamberlin Receives “Ah Why Knot” Award
Laura was honored for her work to engage the Delaware Bay community in the conservation of shorebirds and horseshoe crabs, through her coordination of the reTURN the Favor effort.