Shorebirds Big Day at WHSRN Sites

From the cold coasts of Alaska to the vibrant landscapes of Chile, we want to celebrate the First Shorebirds Big Day at WHSRN Sites. This is more than a count, it’s an opportunity to unite our hemispheric community and protect the wonderful shorebirds that connect us.

In celebration of World Shorebird Day, we want to invite our partners and friends to go out and count shorebirds at sites that are part of the Western Hemisphere Shorebird Reserve Network. This year’s 2024 Shorebirds Big Day at WHSRN Sites will be Saturday,  September 7.

The Shorebirds Big Day at WHSRN Sites will help identify future trends in declining bird populations. Join the largest shorebird count of the year. Register your country, WHSRN site, team, and share your list with the user WHSRN_RHRAP on eBird.

Celebrate shorebirds and your WHSRN site!

How to Participate:

Step 1: Complete your registration by filling out this form.

Step 2: On the event day, go out and count shorebirds at a WHSRN site and share the list with the user on eBird WHSRN_RHRAP.

Step 3: Share photos of birds, site, and team by tagging our social media (@whsrn on Facebook and Twitter; @whsrn_rhrap on Instagram) or emailing

Don’t leave out your country and WHSRN Site!

If you have any questions, please contact Salvadora Morales at

Frequent Asked Questions

What is Global Big Day at WHSRN Sites?
An event promoted by the Western Hemisphere Shorebird Reserve Network, which consists of counting all shorebirds and their individuals at WHSRN sites. A typical Big Day is 24 hours of birding.

When will the Big Day take place at WHSRN Sites?
It will occur on the first Saturday in September as part of World Shorebird Day. September 7.

How can you participate?
Organize and register a team with colleagues and friends. Fill out the form where you choose a name for your team, preferably with the name of the WHSRN site.

Who can participate?
All WHSRN site partners, friends of partners, birders in general.

Is it possible to have more than one team per site?
Yes, the more people and teams that participate, the better for WHSRN sites. The more people, the more geographic area they cover and the more shorebirds they can count.

Where to share bird lists?
We invite you to share your bird lists with the WHSRN user WHSRN_RHRAP. Putting together the lists from each WHSRN site will give us a snapshot of where and how many shorebirds we can see in a single great day.

How many lists per site can I upload?
You can include as many as you can, but we recommend separating the lists by site according to use, resting sites, and feeding sites.