Site Support
The WHSRN Executive Office offers several types of support to help site partners build capacity for successful shorebird conservation efforts.

Site-based Conservation Planning Manual

For sites new to shorebird conservation, understanding the current status of shorebirds at your site and tackling an action plan may seem overwhelming. To help make this process easier, the WHSRN Executive Office has created a manual for site-based conservation planning. This manual provides guidance, support, and resources for any individual or organization with interest in conserving a site for shorebirds. The step-by-step guide includes collecting data on shorebirds, evaluating threats, agreeing on governance processes, managing habitat, engaging the community, valuing ecosystem services, and learning from other WHSRN sites. The guide also highlights the types of support available from the WHSRN Executive Office and other components of the Manomet Shorebird Recovery Program.
Cette ressource est disponible en français ici.
(Para español, haga clic en la bandera española en la esquina superior derecha.)
Cover Photo: Piping Plover (Charadrius melodus). Photo: Maina Handmaker.