Linking Sites, Linking Communities
Linking Sites
Many sites share the same values, goals, and challenges. With over 100 sites in the Network, a wealth of information and opportunities to learn from other partners are available. Exchanges between partners allow sites to learn from each other, collaborate on conservation action and research, and develop community connections through education.
What are the types of exchanges?
- Ongoing: A group of sites with shared values, birds, or goals develop strong relationships and maintain regular communication, sharing lessons learned, challenges, and ideas for action. These linked sites develop target projects for collaboration. Occasional in-person exchanges help to strengthen relationships and expand alliances and learning.
- One-time, in-person: One set of partners may visit a site to learn about particular actions at this site to improve specific skills and to generate inspiration for work at their own site. While there may be an immediate follow-up to share details of projects, long-term communication is not maintained, but the benefit was achieved through capacity building.
- Virtual: It is not always realistic to have an in-person or ongoing exchange between sites. Opportunities to dialogue with partners exist through webinars, Shorebird Forum, emails, and regular calls.
What are the components of a successful exchange?
A fruitful exchange will have shared values and goals between sites to facilitate the discussion of information and ideas. The exchange should focus on relationships, not just shorebirds or wetlands. The exchange is for building capacity and inspiring new actions, but this can only happen through strong relationships that encourage collaboration and sharing. If the goal is to have a long-term, ongoing exchange, local champions who are motivated to foster these connections will be necessary at each site. Ideally, these local champions would be through an organization or agency to institutionalize the relationships. Topics could include research, festivals, conservation action, ecotourism, and education.
Explore the sidebar to the right to learn more about current linking initiatives.

WHSRN Site Partners at the Bay of Fundy, Canada. Photo: Laura Chamberlin.
If you are interested in linking with another site, contact