Honoring Don Paul: The Inaugural 2024 Linking Sites Award

The Executive Office of the Western Hemisphere Shorebird Reserve Network (WHSRN) proudly presented the inaugural “Linking Sites” Award to Don Paul of Utah, USA. This award celebrates individuals who exemplify the network’s mission of connecting sites and communities to advance shorebird conservation. Don Paul’s dedication to this cause spans decades, making him the ideal recipient of this prestigious accolade. 

Don Paul’s career in wildlife conservation is nothing short of legendary. With the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources, Don became the first avian biologist with the Great Salt Lake Ecosystem Project, later contributing significantly to the Intermountain West Joint Venture. His groundbreaking shorebird and waterbird surveys in the 1970s highlighted the global importance of the Great Salt Lake, leading to its designation as a WHSRN Site of Hemispheric Importance in 1991. This pivotal work laid the foundation for a network that spans the Americas, linking critical habitats for migratory shorebirds. 


Marcela Castellino, WHSRN’s Saline Lakes Specialist, and Don Paul holding the Linking Sites Award.

A founding member of the “Linking Communities, Wetlands, and Migratory Birds Program” (‘Linking’), Don has inspired and supported conservation efforts at WHSRN sites throughout the hemisphere. His ability to connect different cultures, languages, and geopolitical borders through a shared commitment to shorebird conservation is truly remarkable. Don’s efforts have safeguarded critical habitats and fostered a sense of community among conservationists, educators, and researchers. 

My journey with shorebird conservation began at Great Salt Lake, where I first encountered Don Paul’s influence. In 2012, I received a scholarship supported by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, Kennecott Utah Copper Corporation-Rio Tinto, Weber State University, and BirdLife International. Witnessing the local community’s collaboration through this experience ignited my dedication to shorebird conservation. Spending time with Don, whether conducting bird surveys or sharing stories around a campfire, I learned invaluable lessons from his wealth of experience and unwavering commitment. Don Paul’s mentorship extends beyond professional guidance. He embodies the qualities of a true mentor, always available to offer help, answer questions, and inspire new ideas. His passion for conservation and his ability to connect with young professionals have impacted many, including myself. His tireless efforts to create opportunities for others and his humble approach to conservation have set a standard for future generations. 


Left: Don Paul at Neponset Reservoir, Utah. Photo: John Neill. Right: Clair Shaffer with Don at Kit Carson’s Cross 2001. Photo: Archive

The “Linking Sites Award” was presented to Don at the closing event of the 2024 Great Salt Lake Issues Forum. This award not only celebrates Don’s extraordinary contributions but also serves as a reminder of the profound impact individuals can have on preserving our planet’s natural wonders. Join us in congratulating Don Paul, a true pioneer in shorebird conservation whose legacy will continue to inspire and guide us in our efforts to protect these vital ecosystems. 

Cover Photo: Great Salt Lake.  Photo: Charles Uibel.