Discover Shorebirds
Educator Guide · Curriculum · Learning Resources
Discover shorebirds and their conservation needs
Lessons for Grades 3-8
Lessons for Grades 3-8
This curriculum will help students connect to shorebirds, conservation, and the importance of local ecosystems. There are five lessons that cover shorebird biology, ecology, migration, tracking technology, threats, ecosystem services, and stewardship. Each lesson includes hands-on activities, activity sheets, supporting materials, and learning resources. Lessons are great for classrooms, home school, or nature centers. (Download full curriculum here)
The material included in this package was designed by consulting several different teaching standards identified for Grades 3-8 (ages 8-13) in Canada, however these objectives could be adapted at schools across the Western Hemisphere.
Curriculum was created by:

Cover Photo: John King.