The Laguna de Rocha WHSRN site was not always recognized for its importance to migratory shorebirds. Thanks to the efforts of the WHSRN and other local and international institutions, its value [...]
The Migratory Shorebird Project (MSP) is one of the largest shorebird surveys on the Pacific Flyway on the Americas, from Alaska to Chile. There are 13 countries conducting surveys with a [...]
Shorebirds reveal just how interconnected our world is: over the course of a year, a coastal wetland in Patagonia can play a critical role for the survival of species that breed locally, in the [...]
The Fraser River Estuary is a critical link in a chain of key sites for shorebirds, stretching from the Arctic tundra to the mangrove-fringed mudflats of Central and South America. Quite possibly [...]
During the 10th Annual Central American Waterbird Census (CAWC), nearly 200 volunteers counted over 300,000 waterbirds comprising 106 species. The counts included 30 species of shorebirds, [...]
The WHSRN Executive Office announces the addition of three new team members. They will be working on management of grasslands for shorebirds, opportunities for shorebird conservation at solar [...]