Pablo Canevari Award
Pablo Canevari was Manomet’s first director of the WHSRN Executive Office. Born in Argentina, Pablo was a beloved colleague, scientist, illustrator, and a dear friend to all who knew him. He passed away suddenly in 2000 and is particularly remembered for his dedication, extraordinary enthusiasm, and personal and professional commitment to shorebird conservation in the Americas.
Every two years, Manomet presents a USD$2,000 award to an individual or organization from Latin America or the Caribbean that has demonstrated an outstanding commitment to shorebird conservation—much the way Pablo Canevari did before he died suddenly in March 2000.
The award recognizes and supports exemplary work in the field of shorebird conservation. Pablo is remembered for his extraordinary dedication and passion—personally and professionally—to the conservation of shorebirds throughout his career.
The biennial award schedule shifted in 2015 to coincide with the Western Hemisphere Shorebird Group (WHSG) meetings, also held every two years.
To nominate an individual or organization for the 2024 Pablo Canevari Award, complete the nomination form and submit to by May 1st 2024.

Past Award Recipients
- 2000: Patricia González, Fundación Inalafquen, Argentina
- 2001: Daniel Blanco, Wetlands International, Argentina
- 2004: Xicoténcatl Vega Picos, Pronatura Noroeste, Mexico
- 2006: Inês de Lima Serrano, CEMAVE, Brazil
- 2008: Asociación Calidris, Cali, Colombia
- 2010: Chile’s National Petroleum Company’s “Program for the Sustainable Use of Wetlands”
- 2012: Victor Pulido Capurro, Peru
- 2014: Mirta Carbajal, Fundación Inalafquen, Argentina
- 2015: Dr. Eduardo Palacios Castro, CICESE, Mexico
- 2017: Wayne Burke, Barbados Shorebird Conservation Trust, Barbados
- 2019: Ben Haase, Ecuador
- 2022: Luis Benegas, Argentina
Cover Photo: Sanderlings in flight. Photo: Monica Iglecia.