Manomet Small Grants for Conservation of Neotropical Shorebirds

Manomet launched in 2023 the Small Grants Program for conservation action and/or research that has measurable benefits for populations and species of shorebird restricted to the Neotropics (Latin America and the Caribbean), with an emphasis on Western Hemisphere Shorebird Reserve Network (WHSRN) sites and/or sites which could qualify for WHSRN status. The grants are intended for early-career conservationists and researchers. 

Grant Goals

The Manomet Small Grants program seeks to:

  • Promote the conservation of shorebird species and populations breeding in Latin America and the Caribbean (the Neotropics).
  • Strengthen knowledge of Neotropical shorebirds to inform decision-making which contributes directly to the management of populations and/or key sites.
  • Integrate the needs of Neotropical shorebirds into other biodiversity conservation and sustainable development efforts at key sites.
  • Support the designation of WHSRN sites for Neotropical shorebird species and populations.
  • Build the capacity of early career conservationists and researchers in the Neotropics.

How to Apply

Applications must be submitted in English, Spanish or Portuguese, using the online form that you can find here. If you have any problems accessing the online form or entering the information in the online form, please contact

If you have questions, please check the FAQ section first, and if you don’t find the answers you are looking for there, please contact Please read and carefully follow the Small Grants Guidelines below before completing the online form.  

Grants of $3,000 (US Dollars) are available subject to the Grant Guidelines. Proposals are assessed once a year. Applications deadline is April 30th – 2025. Successful proposals will be notified as soon as possible (normally within two months of the application deadline). 

Grant Guidelines

Geographic Focus: Awards are only available to projects carried out by nationals and/or residents of countries and territories in the Neotropics. The Neotropics are defined as Central and South America, Mexico and the Caribbean. Priority is given to early career applicants (with five or less years of experience working with shorebirds).

Species Focus: Applications should focus on research and/or conservation actions for species and populations of shorebirds restricted to the Neotropics. Priority is given to species of global or regional conservation concern [1].

Higher priority will be given to projects that address research or conservation needs of these species and populations within WHSRN sites  or sites with the potential to qualify for WHSRN status (see Is my site eligible? – WHSRN).

Research projects should focus on questions of direct relevance to the conservation of the target species or population (e.g. to better understand a population limiting factor).  Applications that lack a strong conservation focus will not be prioritized for support.

Projects that focus on species and populations of shorebirds that only breed in North America are not eligible (but a Neotropical-breeding population of a species which also has a population breeding in North America is eligible)

See list of Shorebird species and biogeographic populations resident to Latin America and the Caribbean

Collaborators: Projects should be developed in close collaboration with a local conservation agency, research institution, and/or non-governmental organization. Projects that are likely to achieve constructive local engagement that benefits conservation of a species through environmental education in local communities, working with local decision-making or land-management organizations, or local/international publicity are eligible.

Budget: Projects should have a total budget small enough for the Manomet small grant to be a significant proportion of that total.

[1] Species or populations of global or regional conservation concern include those listed as of conservation concern in the IUCN Red List (globally threatened or Near Threatened), regional assessments and national threatened species lists and action/conservation plans.

Publication of Results

  • The results of the implementation of the successful proposals should be publicize in the appropriate media (traditional and social). Manomet will also publish the progress and results of projects through its newsletters and social media platforms. If appropriate, awardees will be encouraged to publish their results in peer-reviewed journals. 

Mentoring and Capacity-building

  • Successful applicants will have the opportunity to be mentored by one or more of the WHSRN Executive Office team during the course of their project. This will primarily be through remote interactions (meetings, e-mail), but may also include project visits (by Executive Office team members).
  • Manomet expects to award up to 10 grants in 2025. Successful applicants may be invited to apply for additional training opportunities, such as Manomet’s Ornithological Careers Institute.

Equal Opportunities

Manomet and the WHSRN Executive Office are committed to action to become more diverse, equitable, and inclusive for the success of our team, our partners, and the communities in which we work. We do not discriminate based upon race, religion, color, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, age, status as a protected veteran, status as an individual with a disability, or other applicable legally protected characteristics.

Cover Photo: Double-striped Thick-knee (Burhinus bistriatus).  Photo: Maina Handmaker.

Page photo 1: Rufous-chested Dotterel (Zonibyx modestus). Photo: Andrea Ferreira

Page photo 2: Monitoring shorebird breeding on shrimp farms in Mexico. Photo: Juanita Fonseca.